Top 15 Water-Saving Tips For Waikato Homeowners


By Team Jamark Plumbing

Conserving water is a valuable resource that demands a collective effort by everyone in New Zealand. Homeowners in Waikato hold considerable influence in decreasing water usage through the adoption of distinct water-saving approaches.

Preserving water is imperative for the abiding sustainability of our planet. While we often consider the advantages within our households, water conservation extends well beyond our homes. This invaluable resource plays a crucial role across various industries, including agriculture, recreational, hospitality etc.

Given the escalating global demand for water, it is crucial that each of us conserves water to guarantee a sizable amount of water supply for future generations.

Learn below actionable water saving tips for homeowners either in Hamilton, or the Waikato region in Hamilton.

1. Use Low-Flow Showerheads and Faucets

An easy yet highly efficient method to conserve water involves the installation of low-flow showerheads and taps. These fixtures limit the water flow, decreasing consumption without sacrificing the quality of your shower or the functionality of your tap. With a low-flow showerhead, water usage can be reduced by up to 50%, resulting in cost savings on water bills for homeowners.

2. Repair Water Leaks

A faucet that drips or a continuously running toilet can lead to significant water wastage. To put it in perspective, a leaking tap alone can squander up to 20 liters of water per day! It is crucial for homeowners to address and repair leaks promptly. This not only conserves water but also safeguards your property from potential water damage.

3. Utilise A Rainwater Extractor System

Given New Zealand’s abundant rainfall year-round, it is practical to capture and store rainwater for future use. The installation of a rainwater harvesting system offers homeowners a dependable and sustainable water source for their gardens and various outdoor activities. Additionally, utilising rainwater for daily tasks such as toilet flushing and clothes washing can lead to substantial reductions in overall water consumption.

4. Reduce Lawn Watering

Lawn watering stands out as one of the most water-consuming tasks in households. To conserve water, homeowners can cut down on lawn watering, particularly during the hot, humid summer. Optimal times for watering are early morning or late evening, minimising evaporation and ensuring water effectively reaches the grassroots.

5. Be Water-Wise in the Kitchen and Laundry

Efficient water use in the kitchen and laundry is pivotal as these areas can significantly contribute to overall consumption. Homeowners can adopt mindful water habits to curtail usage. Just making simple changes such as running the dishwasher and washing machine only when fully loaded contribute to water savings. Choosing a bowl of water over a running tap for washing vegetables is another effective method.

6. Embrace the Dual-Flush Toilet

Toilets account for a substantial portion of water consumption at home. Installing a dual-flush toilet offers a notable solution to reduce water usage. Dual-flush toilets feature two buttons—one for a full flush and another for a half flush, allowing homeowners to use less water for liquid waste and achieve up to 67% water savings compared to traditional toilets.

7. Swap the Hose for a Broom in Outdoor Cleaning

Using a hose to clean outdoor areas like patios, driveways, and sidewalks can result in significant water wastage. A more water-efficient alternative is employing a broom for these cleaning tasks. Sweeping the area beforehand can further minimise water needed for the outdoor cleaning.

8. Install a Water Meter

Installing a water meter allows homeowners to monitor and regulate their water consumption. This tool not only helps in identifying areas where water can be saved, but also aids in detecting leaks, leading to reduced water bills.

9. Add Mulch for Garden Water Efficiency

Mulching is a great material to add to gardens for reducing water consumption. By helping soil retain moisture, mulch minimises the need for watering. Various materials such as wood chips, leaves, grass clippings, or even newspaper can be used for mulching.

10. Fill Cold Water With A Bucket

During the time it takes for water to heat up in the shower or sink, homeowners can use a bucket to collect the cold water. Cold water can then be used for various purposes, such as watering plants, flushing the toilet, or washing the car. Making a simple change can add significant water savings over time.

11. Avoid Overwatering Plants

Overwatering plants is not only wasteful but can also be detrimental to the plant’s health. Homeowners should water plants only when necessary, steering clear of watering during the hottest part of the day when water evaporates quickly.

12. Seek For Native Plants in the Garden

Choosing native plants for your garden can aid in reducing water consumption. Adapted to the local climate, native plants require less water compared to exotic varieties. They also contribute to crucial habitats for native wildlife, promoting the preservation of the local ecosystem.

13. Employ a Compost Bin

Using a compost bin proves beneficial in reducing water consumption in the garden. Composting recycles organic matter, enhancing soil health and reducing the need for watering. Additionally, composting contributes to waste reduction, positively impacting the environment.

14. Keep Showers Short

Shortening shower durations is a straightforward yet effective water-saving measure. A five-minute shower utilises approximately 50 liters of water, while a 10-minute shower can use up to 100 liters. Homeowners can significantly cut water consumption by taking shorter showers and turning off the water while lathering.

15. Look for High-Efficiency Washing Machines

Choosing high efficiency washing machines over traditional ones promotes water conservation and environmental friendliness. These machines use less water and energy, leading to lower electricity bills. When purchasing a new washing machine, homeowners should prioritise models with high energy and water efficiency ratings.

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